The LIFE Approach to Health: Philosophy and Guiding Principles of Naturopathic Medicine Plus… Our Core Values.

Why nature is so important to healing and how we approach healthcare. It starts with our guiding principles and values.

Naturopathic medicine can be defined as patient-centered, holistic care that focuses on the utilization of non-invasive therapies that stimulate self-healing. Naturopathic medicine is considered alternative or complimentary medicine, otherwise known as functional medicine.

At Life Wellness Studios, our naturopathic approach integrates natural therapies and modern therapies to promote the innate healing process.

The Philosophy and Guiding Principles of Naturopathic Medicine center around the patient, nature, and care. These principles guide how naturopathic physicians think about and treat patients, and sets them apart from other medical professionals.

The following 6 principles guide naturopathic health care. 

  1. First Do No Harm
    We believe in doing no harm to the body. At the core is the desire to help patience optimize their condition. NDs utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies. Were necessary, NDs will refer when the patient’s condition is outside their scope or level of skill.

  2. The Healing Power of Nature
    We believe we were created by God with the ability to heal. Looking beyond symptoms to the underlying cause. Trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself. Naturopathic doctors recognize the value of nature and healthy environments in assisting the healing process.

  3. Identify and Treat the Causes
    We believe in identifying and treating the root cause of ailments. Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause. A trusted relationship is priority between Naturopathic doctors and patiences. This begins with an initial consultation and builds from there.

  4. Doctor as Teacher
    We believe it is our duty to educate and empower patients with all the information necessary to obtain optimal wellness. Naturopathic doctors elevate patient understanding of health and empower self care. Viewed as a partner on a patient’s healtcare team, educating patients is important. NDs educate patients in the steps to achieviving and maintaing health. The goal is to reclaim life.

  5. Treat the Whole Person
    We believe in treating the whole person. Viewing the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions. Naturopathic doctors understand the interconnectedness of our body, our environment and our lifestyle on total wellbeing to restore health and to reclaim life.

  6. Prevention
    We believe in promoting disease prevention & management. Focus on overall health, wellness, and disease prevention. Naturopathic medicine affirms that it is better to prevent illness and suffering whenever possible.


We’d like to add a few leading core values that guide things at LIFE Wellness Studio.

  • Balance

    We believe fun, social, work, health, and overall well-being can be in tandem. Everything needs to be in balance. This is a completion.

  • Wisdom

    We believe in the proper application of knowledge and that patience should be informed and educated along the way.

  • Excellence

    We believe in the spirit of excellence. This is how work is done and a level of greatness that we strive for. Seeing and operating in greatness is reality.


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